Presentation of the FIC.UBA - MAFIZ (Málaga Festival) Partnership for the best UBA short film award
October Thursday 17th
Time: 12:00 hs
With Annabelle Aramburu, Executive Director of MAFIZ and Jury Member of the International Feature Film Competition at FIC.UBA; Marcelo Altmark, Artistic Director of FIC.UBA; and Ricardo Alfonsín, General Director of FIC.UBA. Also featuring Maitena Fontanazza, winner of the 2023 UBA Short Film Competition with her film 5’ de lucidez, who will share her experience.
One of the main objectives of FIC.UBA is to support emerging generations of filmmakers who, through their creativity, transform not only the way we understand cinema but also the world itself. Supporting these new filmmakers is more than a mere gesture; it is a deliberate commitment to the future of cinema born in our own University.
In the 2024 edition, and thanks to partnerships with the Málaga Film Festival (MAFIZ) and the Bogotá International Film Festival (BIFF), FIC.UBA will offer winners of the UBA Short Film Competition special opportunities to participate in talent programmes in Spain and Colombia.
The winner of the Best UBA Short Film will receive, in addition to a monetary prize, a spot in the MÁLAGA TALENT Campus Training Programme at the MAFIZ industry market, which aims to help new generations build collaborative networks with professionals from around the world.