Algo que pasó en Año Nuevo
What Happened on New Year's Eve
Special Screenings
María and Manuel live a completely monotonous and boring life, and they need money to fulfil a long-postponed wish. On New Year's Eve, they visit Manuel's sister and her partner, who are ontological coaches living a lifestyle completely opposite to that of the protagonists: they are adventurous, modern, and charismatic. They lead a community of young people who follow a spiritual doctrine that believes any goal is achievable, even if moral boundaries must be crossed.
Jorge Pinarello
Jorge Pinarello is an actor, teacher, screenwriter and editor. Among other projects, he starred in Masacre esta noche (2009) and the series Policompañeros motorizados (2013). He is also the creator of the YouTube channel Te lo resumo así nomás. In 2018, he premiered the series La obra de mi vida. Algo que pasó en Año Nuevo is his first feature film as a director and screenwriter
Ficha Técnica:
D/G: Jorge Pinarello
F: Franco Cerana
E: Gabriel Herce, Jorge Pinarello
DA: Aimé Coca Guzmán
S: Ramiro Díaz Agüero
M: Francisco Cadierno
P: Indira Nieva, Natalia Maldini
I: Natalia Maldini, Casper Uncal, Xiomara Martínez, Federico Aimetta, Chapi Barresi
Natalia Maldini
IG: @algoquepasocine