Robotia, la película
Robotia, the Movie
Special Screenings
In a world populated by androids, a young girl dreams of playing football, despite her family's strict prohibition. With the help of her friends, she sets out to defy the odds and show everyone what they can achieve, both on and off the field.

Diego Cagide
Diego Cagide is an audiovisual designer (FADU-UBA). He directed the series Minimalitos, Monstruos de la guarda, and Robotia, as well as numerous short films. He is a 3D Animation professor at FADU and co-directs Huella Digital, where he produces 3D documentaries on topics related to Memory and Human Rights.

Diego Lucero
Diego Lucero is an audiovisual designer (FADU-UBA). He is noted for his work as a filmmaker in various audiovisual projects, specialising in post-production and animation. He directed the animated series Monstruos de la guarda, Los Motorjón, and Mati & Rocco, among others.
Ficha Técnica:
D/E: Diego Cagide, Diego Lucero
G: Mariano Rojo, Beatriz Iso
DA: Rodrigo Bellinzona
M: Joseba Beristain
P: Nicolás Couvin, Ricardo Ramón, Peter Girbau
CP: Malabar Producciones, Dibulitoon Studio, Kantauri Filma AIE, Paycom Cinema
I: Annabel Gallardo, Ariel Cister, Valeria Stilman, Melina Macaggi, Ana María Picchio
Malabar Producciones. Malena Schargrodsky, Diego Cagide
IG: @robotialapelicula, @produmalabar