Un beso, chau
A Kiss, Bye
UBA Short Film Competition
Today, speech is mediated by communication devices that are integral to our daily lives. The voice has become a rarity, its power diminishing over time. Through a voicemail with neither sender nor recipient, lost memories in time and space remind us of the strength and sensitivity of our language.
This film will be screened alongside A la mujer que fui, El ladrón de rostros, Amor 77, Las escondidas y Cuatro tipos and una sirena esperando que algo se prenda fuego.

Martina Garay
Martina Garay is an Audiovisual Design student at FADU-UBA. She has participated in various roles in institutional projects. A Kiss, Bye is her first work as a director.
Ficha Técnica:
D/P: Martina Garay
G: Lourdes García, Iván Herrera Rios
F: Lourdes García, Antonio Zenklusen
E: Matilda Lasarte
DA: Martina Garay, Lourdes García
S: Antonio Zenklusen, Iván Herrera Rios
Martina Garay
IG: @martugaray._, @lourrdddes, @matildalasarte, @Ivan.h.rios